我養黑苺(四) ● LISTEN

這幾天,在黑莓大角Ronen(from berryreview.com)特地為了我寫了 “How To: Listen To Podcasts On Your BlackBerry – 4 Options” 的協助下,我的小黑莓功能在添一筆。現在不只可以聽音樂,還可以聽播客們製作的節目了!

Thanks to Ronen from berryreview, now i can listen to podcasts on my blackerry. Read how. These options not only work for blackberries, they also work for most mp3 players.

[audio:12_Plays_of_Alternative-Indie.mp3] (佳節愉快啊!好聽的另類聖誕歌曲)

Curve的多媒體功能,我也是買了一個多月後才開始使用,因為我壓根沒想過用我的電話聽音樂,認定一定很濫。後來在看到flip side的出現後,開始想試用。一開始沒想到他的介面是像iphone一樣左右橫向移動,有點小吃驚。雖然他沒有3D輪轉效果但已經很不錯了。因為下載的試用版,才去原廠盒子裡翻出耳機(MIC),因為普通的耳機不能使用。一整個驚艷。對於我聽的音樂都能夠很忠實表現(Year Zero 和 Ms. John Soda等許多怪聲音的組合都沒有loss)。當然免不了和原廠耳機打架一番,因為我就是沒辦法聽耳機,除非是大耳套式或是耳塞式耳道式,幸好現在是冬天,可以用帽子壓住。目前它支援mp3, m4a, aac. 可惜不能快轉或倒轉. (看到moda有出給iphone的耳機,之前我有裝詹姆士iphone的耳機試聽,聲音正常,於是寫去問有沒有支援黑莓,她們告訴我只有支援iphone,叫我rock on(!!),我想她們應該是指接電話的部分的問題。後來經過Ronen的證實, 我的curve是可以用普通耳機的 但為什麼Fish的耳機我就是沒辦法聽這台哩? 謎底終於揭曉…我今天推超用力推進去就有stereo了!)

I wasn’t going to use my Curve to listen to any musics, until I saw flip side, a music program w/ cool interface for blackberry. I even didn’t unpack my headphone until then. I downloaded the trial version, unpack the Motorola headphone, and really enjoyed the sound quality of my Curve. (Amazed! ) It supports mp3, aac, m4a. [only it can’t fast forward and rewind.]

另外有一個目前仍市免費仍在測試階段的xplayer. 他的介面相當陽春, 有點類似foobar, “less is more”, playlists相當好用! Another great player: is simply simple”. It supports mp3, wma, m4a, mp4, 3gp, works great for multiple playlists.


這裡簡單的綜合Ronen的建議,附上我的測試感想。For podcast subscription, please don’t forget to read Ronen’s original post (see read on).

首先 ,如果你用PC滿喜歡用iTune,但一直為了iTune不支援你的隨身聽,有救星了! 請下載 “免費的” iTune Agent, (還有什麼東西比免費更棒?)有了iTune Agent, 設定好device,就可以在itune看到你的隨身聽了! 但是千萬注意,file/folder最好另外新增一個子檔案夾,否則你的隨身聽的音樂在同步後舊音樂就會全部被移除。若想加入你下載的podcast or your music, 也很簡單, 拖曳曲目到你的隨身聽裡的播放清單中,等你按同步後(在電腦下面可以看見iTune Agent的小圖按右鍵就可以同步了)歌曲就會被增加到你的隨身聽中。

If you are a PC user, and you don’t hate iTune, then this should be the easiest way for you to subscribe podcasts-install iTune Agent. Once you set up your device with iTune Agent, you will see your device shown on iTune, then you just need to drag your podcasts or music files, or even videos into your device’s playlist, and then right click on the iTune Agent icon for syncing. This not only works for Blackberry, also works for most mp3 players. ( cannot be easier!)

當然 , 如果你討厭 iTune (我能了解), 也有變通的方法。利用podnova訂閱你的podacast, 其實就算是你用itune下載, 我也強烈建議用podnova訂閱, 這樣你不會受限於你的電腦, 沒錯, iTune就算登入也不會幫你保存你的訂閱清單在它們的伺服器上, podnova真的很好用! 內容完整幾乎想聽什麼都找得到。訂閱後 , 利用Juice下載到你的電腦中(PC, MAC, LINUX都OK!). 然後再利用你的隨身聽的傳檔軟體傳回你的機器 , 比較土法煉鋼 , 但也不難。而且podnova真的很讚!

Of course, if you hate iTune (which I can understand why), there’s always an alternative way. I like what Ronen suggested, use podnova subscribe your podcast, and use Juice to download your podcasts onto your desktop. Then use whatever program you use for music transferring to transfer the podcasts into your music player. Even if you use iTune for your podcasts, I still recommend you use podcast for your subscription, and then you can use iTune to sync your podnova subscription . I log into my iTune to see if it would store my subscription online. As I tried out, the answer is “No.” So it’s safer that you store your subscriptions over something like podnova, especially, it’s awesome! Got everthing you possibly want there.

所以聽podcast不只是ipod or iphone users的專利喔!

這裡介紹幾個我覺得很棒很棒的節目/ What I am listening to now:

Headphones required / Mets tes écouteurs (MP3) Dave Cusick’s Post Modern Rock Show
That Sound
CBC Radio 3 Podcast
Radio Orphans Podcast
BBC Music Week
KEXP Presents Music That Matters
Oceanic|人生海海 » myPodcast
[2007.9.20]Top 10 獨立創作人氣榜(每週更新)

發現我沒有放上我喜歡的音謀筆記 jeph這篇也介紹了podcast

Read on –

FlipSide – AMAZING New Beta MP3 Player – Must Try!
New Flipside MP3 Player Is Out Of Beta!
xPlayer – Free BlackBerry Media Player! – Beta Testers Needed
How To: Listen To Podcasts On Your BlackBerry – 4 Options



4 thoughts on “我養黑苺(四) ● LISTEN”

  1. 黑莓耳機我找到兩款:

    BlackBerry 8300 Headphone Jack | The Boy Genius Report

    BlackBerry Curve 8300 Stereo Earphone with Talking Button

    至於 mp3 player 不知道有沒有試過這個:

    BerryTunes – MP3 Player for BlackBerry

    感覺有點陽春… XD

    1. 原來是因為fish的回應有兩個以上的連結 被凍結起來了

      嗯 我把第一個回應拿掉(有點重複) 後來確定我是可以用普通耳機的(可能因為沒有MIC功能 CURVE有點困惑了反應怪怪的) 不過我說錯了 我只能用耳道式的而非耳塞式的(完全不行)

      沒錯 CURVE可以說是黑莓的重大突破 之前黑莓完全沒有照相影音功能 這是他們出的糖果機先鋒(算二代吧)

  2. actually, inside podnova’s settings, you can set up an automatic sync directory on you blackberry. When the scheduled download occurs, it will automatically sync into the blackberry. I created a new directory called PODCASTS within the MUSIC directory. It works well, with the exception that everytime i open FLIPSIDE after syncing, it takes a minute or two to insert the new found media.

    1. Thanks Jay!
      i actually downloaded podnova client, but i haven’t really started using it.

      It’s great to know that you can set up in podnova and have it automatically sync your blackberry.

      There are some episodes that I love and would want to keep them on my device, i wonder if the automatic sync would work out this way. I will test it later. 😉

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