狗年賀卡 A Zoetrope Card (Year of the Dog)


This is the (12+1)th year making my own greeting cards for the Lunar New Year. I can’t believe it, either! Once again, the card design didn’t get finalized until mid Jan due to the usual suspects. lol

‘使用’說明 Here’s How To (No Pain No Gain!) :

PS:顏色滿一點效果較佳! Bold color combo works better for this Zoetrope project!

因為實在拖延太久,某人又再度心生退意(哈!)但是,好不容易超過一輪,再晚也還是要尬出來啊~而且今年可能會是告別作!This could be the final year designing the greeting card…We’ll see!

為什麼難度這麼高?因為我選的主題是要會動(活該) !
Why is it so hard to design this time?

  1. I want it to be a non-static design, and that requires doing many many prototypes first.
    • I’ve looked up the phenakistoscopespinning top, Jewish dreidel, and zoetrope. Considering the ease of mailing, I need to think about how to make zoetrope without additional material. I got the idea of making the base like a dreidel. I tested with different sizes, number of flaps, angles of the bottom base, and finally locked with the current design.
  2. I don’t know what to draw for the animation strips!
    • I can draw, but drawing for animation is not something I am good at. It’s easier to draw something relevant, but…I don’t know how to draw dogs ?  lol 
    • I settled with a Samoyed dog, although mine looks more like a bear,  haha!
  3. Unplanned manual jobs (trimming and scoring) 
    • I had tried very hard to avoid any sort of manual work, but still ended up doing scoring and trimming for the strips because they are printed on the same cardstock which is too thick to bend.
  4. Work is too busy…
    • Can’t find time to write the cards…

難題1: 怎麼動?

這次研究了相關題材,比方說 費納奇鏡 phenakistoscope, 陀螺 spinning top, 猶太人的光明節陀螺 dreidel, 西洋鏡(幻影箱)zoetrope 等等,真的非常多。

若考慮到郵寄方便,折紙陀螺有不少優勢。但是,多年來的經驗告訴我,千萬不要涉及任何手加工,於是很快的淘汰!最後決定採用西洋鏡的概念,因為我真的很喜歡紐約的Masstransitscope Project,但如何讓西洋鏡可以郵寄呢?附上竹籤彈珠什麼的是不可能的。那就讓它能自己轉吧!於是我開始實驗如何讓鏡台底部旋轉。試驗了許多大小和鏡面數量 (鏡面太小或太少會導致轉太快看不見),終於敲定了八個鏡面底部緩斜的設計。真是不知道多久沒有用尺量東西了! 

難題2: 要畫什麼?



研究諸多狗兒們,最後確定我平日就有好感的薩摩耶犬Samoyed. 嗯…我的版本是比較像熊啦~(更多薩摩耶的照片 more cute photos

難題3: 有點意外的手加工


難題4: 工作太忙沒時間寫卡片!

If you want to see the animation more clearly, you can fix the Zoetrope on a stick. 你也可以將這個固定在小竹籤上面,可以看個夠!

From friends 交作業區:

特別要謝謝Shaun的分享,看到這個影片的時候我都要哭了,我自己都沒有收集這麼完整~ Special thanks to Shaun. I can’t believe that she still has all the cards (I’m in tears!)

Laura Hsu

Animation Experiments during the design process:

元外畫的 ( Cedric’s Rocket )

Final Test:

PS: 因為我放了太多類似的影片在YouTube,最後的成品影片被當成spam被拿掉,嗚嗚~


phenakistoscope by Graphic Arts Collection
How to make a zoetrope


原來我已經不小心做了超過一輪了… 回顧



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