雞年賀卡 – 金雞蛋 Golden Spherical Spiral Egg (Year of the Rooster)


Just like previous N years, I didn’t get the design out until the very last minute (proudly my own tradition ha)…

話說,寫賀卡戰略已經變成一個習俗了嗎?(噗)不過,這次的作業有一點點難度(從來沒有發表意見或參與製作的詹姆士在付印前表示嚴重質疑,認為根本太難沒有人做得出來),所以真的需要說明一下。這次是根據球型螺旋(或螺旋球型)Spherical Spiral Pattern設計的。用8-9片可以拼成金雞蛋,10-12片可以拼成金球(歡迎拆下封面的羽毛試試看)。孩子們,看在我已經撩下去開刀模了,請試試看做個金雞蛋吧!(證明詹姆士是錯的!咦?)

老實說,我其實很想要試試看立體摺紙,像是Ramin Razani或是Peter Dahmen 那樣的作品看了就佩服的想哭,但是…我真的沒有3D立體的天份orz  不過更多原因是,我試割了一組kirigami, 發現很難一逃手加工,就算開刀模也還是需要手摺,而且需要非常小心。這次時間已經很緊迫,一定要避免陷入上次手工地獄的囧狀 (苦笑)。 [我真的好怕手加工啊~]

As much as I’ve wished to do a kirigami project like what Ramin Razani or Peter Dahmen created for years, I realized – I really don’t have it in me… After some research, I decided to adopt the spherical spiral pattern for the Golden Egg – 8-9 feathers assemble the egg, 10-12 pieces make a ball.

Golden Eggs represent good fortune in Chinese culture. Gold = $$, and egg = multiplying/reproduction, pretty straight forward lol

今年的字選的是「」About the word –

鳴 míng  {Express, Be known for}

這裡取的是 · 侯方域《壯悔堂文集》的「以其技鳴」的「鳴」,當然更可以是「一鳴驚人」之「鳴」。

I chose this word to wish everyone great success with their extraordinary skills. It came from one of the old Chinese idioms. 

As you might or might not have spotted, there are angel’s wings and petals on the card as well, to wish for a peaceful new year.

So, how to make the Golden Egg?

  1. 首先,拆下8或9片羽毛
    Detach at least 8 pieces of the feathers from the card.
  2. 白色向上,每片一樣的方向
    Sort every piece into the same direction. White side up.
  3. 一片一片向上疊,下方勾住展開
    Stack the feathers clockwise with the bottom hooked with each other.
  4. 完成上個步驟後,用手調整等分
    Even up the spacing after all pieces are in.
  5. 用透明膠帶先固定住
    Fix them with scotch tape (to avoid failure!)
  6. 底部放在桌上,開始封合上端
    Rest the bottom on a table, and then start to close up the top.




八片 8-Piece

九片 9-Piece 胖一點的蛋

十片 10-Piece

十二片 12-Piece 金球 Ball

因為要開刀模,所以儘管時間緊迫,還是要先實驗看看能不能拼得起來不然像羊年貼紙囧了會大哭。The early prorotype –


當然,羽毛可以拿來隨意拼貼做成其他作品!期待大家的創意! Feel free to use the feathers to create your own project. Looking forward to them!

元大廚上菜 Cedric loves cooking with these golden eggs lol

題外話:這次平常只拿來看漫畫日劇的iPad Pro終於派上了點用場,雖然我覺得寫字還是很差強人意,但我總算是用它拿來做點正事的 XD 儘管用到的地方其實「只有」英文的”Wish You a Prosperous Year of the Rooster.” 其他手寫的東西都是用Wacom畫的(噗)。


三天後…1/18 終於收到信封+標籤和用來固定的紙卡了!每次用地址標籤都要搞很久,但總比手寫好(不過印出來很多歪掉所以還是手謄了不少lol)。

最後,祝福大家,有個閃亮亮的好雞年! Wish everyone a Spectacular Year of the Rooster!
輝かしい年頭にあたり 皆様のご健康とご多幸をお祈り申し上げます。

From Friends 交作業區 –



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